Reset Your Relationship With Wealth.
Reclaim Your Confidence, Creativity and Time.
Rewrite Your Money Story and Claim Your Freedom.

Here's what our clients say about this course ...

"Because I worked with Deborah, and stayed fully open to receive all the coaching, insight, and neurojuju she had to offer, I raised my rates and grew my income to $18,000 a month."

Maggy Sterner
Brand & Business Coach

"I’ve raised my prices considerably and have strict boundaries in place. I’ve had my biggest earning months ever and I now have consistent income."

Amy Isaman
Creativity Coach

"This is one of the best investments of time and money I've made in my life. My income has quadrupled while working less hours than ever before."

Anastasia Frank
Relationship Coach


You're a coach, healer, artist or business owner who leads from the heart, serves your clients well, and you love what you do ...

... but deep down, you have this nagging feeling that something is missing and you can't figure out what it is.

Do you ever feel like this?

  • Stuck at an income plateau, earning barely enough (or maybe you're consistently earning over 6 figures), but it feels like you're on a hamster wheel and there's never enough, no matter how much you're making
  • Have no time for yourself because you're busy taking care of everyone else, and you always put yourself last. You tell yourself you're ready for a change, but it's hard to commit to yourself, so your dreams are dying inside of you and you feel disappointed in yourself.
  • Are often overwhelmed because you love helping people (and serving more people means you earn more), but then you feel resentful and exhausted. You'd love to get off the emotional roller coaster of feast or famine. Growing your business is ruining your life.

If you answered yes, you're not alone. It's a sign that your mindset is ready for a reset.

You have a degree (or two or three) under your belt, but you still feel like an impostor so you overcompensate by working really, really hard and saying yes to everything and everyone, except yourself.

You feel trapped on the hamster wheel of overgiving and underearning and you want to break the cycle of constantly striving but never thriving. Other people are getting ahead, but you feel stuck in the same place you were a year (or five) ago.

Your clients and patients are healing and transforming because you're awesome at what you do but you're feeling stuck and unhappy.

See the conflict?

Your mindset is like the gas that fuels your awareness. You've been filling your tank with cheap gas (lack conditioning and scarcity programming), and now the engine's knocking so loud, you can't ignore it.

Most healers and heart-centered entrepreneurs have money wounds and trauma because we live in our hearts and have not been taught how to be in right relationship with money.

The good news is that money wounds can be healed, and you're in the right place for deep, somatic integration and transformation.

What would it be like if you could ...

  • Make great money by sharing your authentic creative Self with the world and relax into the richness of life (without guilt, shame or apology)
  • Overcome self-doubt and fear of rejection and trust yourself and your deepest core values
  • Ask for and receive support so you could stop doing everything on your own and you could have more fun, community and and free time

Are You Ready To Increase Your Income Sharing Your Authentic Creative Gifts Without Feeling Guilty or Embarrassed For Making Great Money Doing What You Love?

I know how relentless, exhausting and disheartening negative self-talk can be.

I used to have a front row seat in the theatre of self-sabotage. My inner critic whipped me for decades ... until I deliberately decided to change my mind.

For years, I identified as a starving artist. I loved being creative and free spirited ... and I hated being stressed about money.

To the outside observer, I seemed arty and confident. But deep down, I was constantly worrying about making enough money to pay my rent and bills, and my growing debt was a source of deep shame.

"What's wrong with me?" I kept asking myself, "How could someone so smart (me) be so stupid about money?"

Debt wrecked my self-esteem. Life felt unfair. I was working so hard, and always coming up short.

I felt like a fraud. Burned and burned out.

No matter how many projects I took on, or how many hours I worked, I couldn't shake the feeling of always never enough.

So, I decided to go to medical school...
That's the ticket out of neverneverenoughland, I reasoned.
I'll get a real job with a real paycheck
and I'll earn some real respect.

Through the body, I discovered
the secret of true wealth.  

Holding a human heart in my hands,
I finally understood the relationship
between energy and matter,
between expansion and contraction,
between the infinite and the finite.

I understood why the way I'd been
running my business was unsustainable.

I could see why I'd been subconsciously struggling, stressing and sabotaging, despite working so hard.

And I knew exactly what I needed to do to let abundance flow in. I needed to change my identity.

If You Are Ready To Receive All The Richness Life Has To Offer...You Are Ready To Write A New Money Story Starring You.

So, what exactly is a money story?

Your money story reflects your beliefs, thoughts, feelings, emotions, memories and experiences with money, prosperity, wealth, abundance and affluence.

Your money story contains judgments about money, and people with money, and people who don't have money. It contains memories of the hurts and arguments, celebrations and disappointments, the unfairness and the shame that you witnessed and experienced as a child.

You've read your story so many times, you know it by heart. You think it's your reality. You act as if it's true.

A few pages hold information about what your conscious mind knows, believes, remembers and perceives about money.

The whole rest of the book, however -- here's the really important bit! -- is devoted to what your subconscious mind knows, believes, remembers and perceives that you are not aware of! (That's why it's called the subconscious).

Your money story is kind of like an iceberg. You can see part of it, but there's so much more lurking under the surface that you can't see. That invisible part of your story has been running under your radar, and running your life.

When you talk about money, what thoughts and words immediately start running in your head? This running commentary (that's often opinionated, critical and judgmental) is part of your money story.

When you think about money, what sensations suddenly arise in your body? Is your stomach tied in a knot? Do you feel tightness in your heart? Is it hard to breathe? The physical sensations that happen automatically are part of your money story, too.

How about your habitual feelings and emotions that arise around money? Do you feel sad? Angry? Disappointed? Frustrated? Your conditioned emotional patterns are another piece of your money story.

Your money story is playing consciously and subconsciously 24/7 in your mind and in your body. It's informing everything you do, think, say, feel and believe.

When You Rewrite Your Money Story, Your Conditions Change...Because YOU Change.

  • You become magnetic to money, clients and opportunities by building new empowering neural pathways and unhooking from old destructive ones.
  • You experience true wealth and abundance because you reset your inner financial thermostat (and you realize you control the dial)
  • You release old habits of self-doubt, self-sabotage and self-criticism and install new conditions of self-confidence, self-love and self-compassion because you remember you're here to shine and share, not to struggle and suffer.

Here's How To Use Neuroscience To Train Your Brain That It's Safe For You To Make Money.

Your conscious mind loves to solve problems because it thinks it's in charge. It's rational, logical and analytical and looks for what's wrong or what's broken so that it has something to fix. One of the favorite expressions of the conscious mind is "the reality is."

Scientists estimate that your conscious mind accounts for about 5% of your beliefs, actions, thoughts, decisions and habits... which means that your subconscious mind controls the 95% of the rest of you.

Your conscious mind only has access to what it remembers it has learned, read, experienced, interpreted or Googled. It only knows what it knows and that's its comfort zone.

If your conscious mind does not know something, it gets extremely uncomfortable and doubles down on trying to figure it out because it hates uncertainty and change.

Your subconscious mind, on the other hand, loves the adventure of uncertainty. It has access to All That Is, to all abundance, possibility, imagination, magic and creativity. Your subconscious mind understands that the true nature of everything is impermanence, and it's not afraid of change.

The unknown is its playground and it's happiest creating something new. (If it's new, it's unfamiliar.)

See the conflict?

If you could have solved your money problems using your brilliant, analytical conscious mind, you would have figured it out by now.

The reason your conscious mind gets so frustrated thinking and thinking and not getting anywhere is because the solution to your money problems is not in your conscious awareness.

It's in your subconscious, where you'd never think to look for it.

Using ancient wisdom and cutting-edge neuroscience, you can train your brain to bypass the conscious mind and go straight to your subconscious mind to identify, heal and clear your anxiety and confusion around money, power, wealth and your value.

It's time to stop spinning the wheel of "wait and see" and get on with the creative work you're here to do in the world.

Your voice matters. Your creativity matters. Your compassion matters. Your perspective matters.

YOU matter.

Not some day. Today.

Your Inner World Creates Your Outer Reality.

Share your voice, your creativity and your light with the world. Rewrite your money story and be free.

The Anatomy of Money
40 Days to Rewrite Your Money Story

Why take this course? Because it's costing you physically, emotionally, financially and spiritually to be in battle with money. It's costing your joy in life. Money blocks don't disappear on their own. in fact, the more you resist them, the more they persist. Nip your money shizz in the bud so you can bloom.

• Heal your relationship with money so it stops being a source of stress, guilt, shame and angst and you can finally feel happy, joyful and congruent in your being.

• Share your creations with the world
(art, books, courses, etc.), be recognized as the expert you are, and help people with your wisdom.

• Become more clear and confident (and less overwhelmed and scared) and more secure and relaxed in your own skin.

The Anatomy of Money ~ 40 Days to Rewrite Your Money Story will guide you step-by-step through proven processes that will help you identify and clear subconscious beliefs, fears and anxiety around money. Money blocks stem from unresolved trauma. The inner work you'll do in this course is deep, vulnerable and sacred. You'll learn powerful integrative tools to rewire and recondition your nervous system for safety, peace and calm around money.

When you rewrite your money story, you participate in your own self-rescue.

You deliberately shift from victim to victorious, from anxious to abundant, from uncertainty to certainty, from exhausted to enthusiastic about the life and business you are creating thought by thought, inspired action by inspired action, day by day.

Using ancient wisdom and powerful cutting-edge neuroscience, you'll learn to tap into the unlimited power of your subconscious mind (and the universe) and to unhook from perceived limitations and conditioned programming so you can realize your goals and dreams without interference.

What you'll receive

Module 1
Conscious Confusion
(Why You're Wired for Fear)

  • How to take the First Step to rewriting your money story so you replace uncertainty with certainty
  • Identify habitual thoughts and beliefs that disempower, demoralize and depress you
  • Understand the secret reason some people possess unshakeable confidence, passion and enthusiasm
    while others consistently struggle and self-sabotage

Module 2
Your Hidden Money Blueprint
(Why You're Wired for Wealth)

  • Discover your subconscious beliefs and habits that are repelling money, ideal clients, joy and love
  • The five kinds of money that could be draining your energy, confidence and self-esteem
  • How to shift the habitual inner self-talk that derails you

Module 3
The Neuroscience of Money
(Train Your Brain for Abundance)

  • How to train your brain for financial, emotional and physical advantage, abundance and ease
  • How to reset your inner financial thermostat so that your new normal is more money, more fun and more freedom
  • Use cutting edge neuroscience to quickly transform pain, anger, anxiety and suffering into prosperity and opportunity.

Module 4
The Dark Side of Money
(Why You Subconsciously Sabotage)

  • How to stop sabotaging yourself so you can enjoy making, spending, saving and gifting money
  • How to step out of your own money shadow so you can become visible and attractive to money
  • How to jump into the flow of money instead of standing on the bank, watching opportunities and resources pass you by

Module 5
Your New Empowered Money Story
(How to Flip the Success Switch)

  • How to become a vibrational match to money, wealth, abundance and freedom so you don't fall back into old disempowering stories, habits and patterns
  • Why crazy big goals are necessary for your continued growth, motivation, prosperity and contentment
  • How to stay in your groove so you can create the life, relationships and business of your dreams.

Instructional Videos + Audios

  • Dozens of instructional videos and audios to help you shift from anxiety to abundance, from uncertainty to certainty, from scarcity to success, and from fear to freedom and fun.

Illustrated Tapping Guide +
Tapping Scripts

  • Tapping – also known as Emotional Freedom Technique or EFT – has been clinically proven to reduce cortisol, the neurotransmitter associated with stress and anxiety. 
  • Illustrated Tapping Guide teaches you the step-by-step process to acknowledge and release old, limiting, painful patterns  
  • Done for you Tapping Scripts help you create new, empowering beliefs and habits with money, abundance and wealth

Wealth Accelerator Playbooks 

  • Interactive PDF playbooks to help you identify subconscious beliefs, patterns and habits. 
  • Specific prompts to accelerate your wealth consciousness and transformation
  • Exercises to raise your money vibe so you're magnetic to money

Plus $7254 in bonuses to elevate your money vibe.

[BONUS #1]
Replays of ELEVEN Live Group Coaching Sessions
($6072 value)

  • Replays from ELEVEN live bonus trainings give you additional mindset shifts and empowering perspectives to help you break through money blocks and self-sabotage most people struggle with.

    This bonus alone is worth more than the entire investment for this course.

[BONUS #2]
Tapping to Banish Bullies
($197 value)

  • Audio + Video Tapping Script to Help You Release the Energy of Feeling Bullied and Learn How to Reclaim Your Power to Set and Hold Clear Boundaries

[BONUS #3]
Tapping to Become A Great Receiver
($197 value)

  • Audio + Video Tapping Script to Become a Great Receiver so you can expand your capacity to receive more money, clients, compliments, opportunities, support and love

[BONUS #4]
Tapping to Release Overwhelm
($197 value)

  • Audio + Video Tapping Script to Release Overwhelm so you can get more done in less time with less angst and more fun.

[BONUS #5]
Prosperity Meditation
($ 197 value)

  • This powerful meditation balances the brain, eliminates insecurities, and helps you integrate the past. 

[BONUS #6]
Tapping for $50K
($ 197 value)

  • Audio and Tapping Script to open yourself to receiving $50,000 and seeing yourself as a circulator of money. (If $50,000 isn't your dream income, insert the number that is)

[BONUS #7]
Turbo Tapping for Dumping Overwhelm FAST
($ 197 value)

  • Use this Turbo Tapping Video and Audio for when it feels like you’re in hot water and you need a quick reset for your nervous system. 

[BONUS #8]
My Personal Prosperity Playlist

  • Music and mantra custom-curated to raise your money mojo and align you with the vibration of wealth

[BONUS #9]
Lifetime Access

  • We define lifetime access as the lifetime of this course, including all the bonuses above. This means you get access to all future live rounds and updates inside this course.
  • With each new level of your wealth, growth, authority and value, you'll discover more old conditioning that demands your attention. This is why we're granting lifetime access so you can always be growing and always have these tools in your back pocket.
  • We believe that you are unlimited, so we created a course that is unlimited.

Are you ready to rewrite your money story?

$997 Pay in Full

"After tapping I felt Relief. Gratitude. Pleasure. Joy. A newfound freedom with money, love, and life!"

Katrina Starr, Spiritual Author, Mystic and Healer

"Please do yourself this favor and work with Deborah. If you are ready to uplevel your life, your business, your relationships, your money story, your bank account, this is the time."

Nicolle Bennett, Creative Capacity Coach

"This has f*ing changed my world. I have a solution that works! What a goddamn miracle! I am so deeply grateful for this gift of freedom!"

Peggy Sands, Artist and Graphic Designer

"For anyone struggling with their relationship to money, and/or their relationship to THEMSELVES, working with Deborah will lighten your heart, rewire your brain and help empower you to go be your best, most effective and impactful self."

Val Vigoda, Transformational Performer

"If you're looking to up-level your business, I recommend Deborah because she teaches you to create success in a conscious, loving and truly heart-opening way that feels GOOD. I feel so much less stressed. I don’t feel like I’m BEHIND on anything. I am exactly where I need to be and now have the freedom to create from a place of abundance and joy."

Melanie Lennon

"Every aspect of my life has been enriched by this work."

Jeremy Finck, Strategy and Risk Policy Analyst


Are there live calls?

No. This is a self-paced course for you to complete in your own time. As soon as you register, you'll get access to dozens of pre-recorded videos, audios, tapping scripts, interactive wealth accelerator exercises, playsheets and recordings of live coaching calls with Deborah.

How long do I have access?

You have lifetime access for the life of this product, including the bonuses. Your 24/7 access begins as soon as you register.

I've tried everything. Will this work for me?

The clearing techniques you're going to learn in this course address your money blocks at the root -- beneath the level of your conscious mind, beneath the level of the story you tell about yourself and money. Money is emotional, it's somatic, and your issues are in your tissues.

If you feel like your been trying to figure out your money blocks and thinking and analyzing isn't working, there's a reason. Your money blocks were not created by your conscious mind, and they cannot be solved by thinking, analyzing, ruminating, or telling the same story over and over (this just makes it worse).

EFT Emotional Freedom Technique
Tapping, as well as the other mind-body tools you'll learn in this course, can help you literally rewire your mind and recondition your nervous system to feel safe, secure, confident and worthy.

I don't know how to tap and it sounds weird.

I get it. I was introduced to tapping (back in 2000). I was broken-hearted over a failed relationship with a multimillionaire. I was spinning out with thoughts like if only I'd said..., if only I hadn't ..., if only I were.... I totally blamed and shamed myself and I couldn't stop crying. I'd already spent thousands of dollars I didn't have on talk therapy, and it wasn't working. Talking about my problems just made them worse.

And then my therapist fired me.

He said I was too negative and there was nothing he could do to help me. That rejection unleashed more tears, anger, shame and resignation. In desperation, I called an energy healer, who introduced me to tapping ... and the rest is history. I couldn't believe how quickly the pain and anxiety dissolved .... and lightness and safety returned. I immersed myself in learning about EFT tapping and now I teach it and use it daily with myself and my clients.

Tapping has been clinically proven to reduce the stress hormone cortisol and to interrupt learned fear and anxiety messages. It's like scratching the grooves of a record with a ballpoint pen; the next time you play the record, the familiar, disempowering, negative messages are no longer audible. EFT Tapping literally changes the blood flow and structure of your brain.

How much time will this take?

This course is completely self-paced. You could binge-watch in one sitting, although we recommend absorbing the material slowly over time, and revisiting it often, since your brain learns through consistency and spaced repetition. To have the greatest transformation, cultivate the habit of watching your thoughts all the time, and interrupting them and changing the blood flow in your brain using tapping when you notice yourself reacting to your thoughts.

Research shows that spaced repetition is the best way for the brain to learn. Training your mind to follow your soul is a lifetime project. The more you repeat these processes, the faster you train your brain for ease, abundance and freedom.

How long are the modules?

The modules vary in length from 5-30 minutes. You can repeat any module as often as you like. We recommend you practice tapping daily to help you get out of your rut and into a groove with money and abundance.

What if I join and then decide it's just not right for me?

While I’m 100% confident you’re going to love this course and that you'll discover and break through many limiting beliefs that have been holding you back, I want you to feel at ease making your decision to participate. So I’m giving you a full week from the day you register to dive in and explore and experience the incredible tools, techniques and tips in the course.

There's no rush, and no catch. If you decide that the course isn't right for you at any time during your first 7 days with the material, email and we'll promptly issue a full refund. No questions asked.

Essentially, this means you can join now and check it out for a full 7 days risk-free.

I'll see you on the inside. It is your birthright to thrive.